Talking to the Dead

Talking to the Dead

I admittedly do so, and quite often. Not in a medium or clairvoyant way, but more in a personal, one-sided conversational way. Mostly to my late husband, Joe. Sometimes my mother, brother or grandparents. Something reminds me of them, and so I talk. Aloud. I ask...
Three Month Fall Out

Three Month Fall Out

Bad things come in threes. Sad but true, and as much as I’d love to ignore this little superstition, it seems to have once again unfortunately entered my life. Two dear friends recently lost their spouses, dying much too young. Another friend’s wife has taken a turn...
It Takes a Village

It Takes a Village

I believe we all have a village. Friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, classmate parents, and acquaintances. When we think about all the people in our lives, from the nearest and dearest to the familiar faces that surround us on a daily basis, we realize the extent...